What is ROV?
A Remotely Operated Vehicle, or ROV, is a remotely controlled submarine used for underwater monitoring and exploration. It allows us to go into waters that may not be safe or comfortable for human divers.
What do you use the ROV for?
We use our ROVs for variety of underwater surveys and tasks, including:
• Intertidal and sub-tidal baseline benthic habitat assessments
• Effluent pipe condition surveys
• Sub-tidal outfall and intake inspections
• Compliance monitoring at finfish aquaculture sites
• Mapping eelgrass beds
• Debris surveys
• Conducting underwater salvage. Some recent salvage retrievals include a heli-logging grapple in River’s Inlet and a freighter anchor in Vancouver Harbour
• Underwater infrastructure inspections
What type of ROV does Mainstream Biological use?
Mainstream Biological operates two Seamor 300T ROV system. These are industrial inspection-class ROVs with four high powered thrusters. They can handle all types of marine and freshwater environments and have the added benefit of high-resolution imagery, intuitive control and excellent portability.

What are some of the features?
Our ROVs are equipped with colour, high resolution cameras with auto zoom, LED light arrays and auto depth capability. We also have a manipulator arm for our ROVs that allows us to grab, hold, and retrieve items. The ROVs are controlled via a twister pair tether and are capable of surveying to depths of 300m (1000ft).
We use a TrackLinkUSBL GPS system to track the ROVs while underwater. The ROV tracking system allows us to see the real time location of the ROV as well as fly exact transects and pinpoint the location of habitat or anything that we find. TrackLink systems are extremely robust, and known as one of the best in the world for providing tracking and communications with ROVs.